Venous Duplex Ultrasound

Venous duplex is an imaging technique that uses 2 types of ultrasound techniques to create images or video of veins and the blood flowing within them. Doppler ultrasound shows the way blood flows in vessels, and is combined with real-time ultrasound imaging that displays the vein’s structure, revealing blockages.

A venous duplex is indicated to identify venous abnormalities in the arms and legs such as varicose veins, blood clots (deep vein thrombosis), narrowing of the veins and venous insufficiency (reduced blood flow).

Your doctor obtains information about medications you are taking such as blood pressure medication and blood thinners before ordering a venous duplex. A gel is applied to the area to be tested. A device that transmits high-frequency sound waves (transducer) is gently glided over the region. Certain veins are compressed and relaxed, and you are asked to vary your breathing, which changes the way blood flows. The sound waves reflect off vein structures and flowing blood and are used to create images or video which are recorded and studied. The procedure takes approximately 20-30 minutes.

Your doctor will examine the images to identify venous abnormalities and suggest appropriate treatment.
